Saturday, 25 August 2012


Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) or sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria which targets both men and women's sex organs. This infection is most frequent among young adults, people in urban places, African Americans, and masses with lower social and economic status transmitted through vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse. Also, the more sex partners you have, the higher risk of Chlamydial infection there is.


Symptoms of Chlamydia are quite mild or absent, but avoidance of treatment will definitely lead to severe complications. For women, symptoms are really difficult to conclude but it may include bleeding after intercourse, abdominal twinge, burning pain on urination, and unnecessary discharge from vagina. On the other hand, men with Chlamydia may also not give any symptoms but infection may be accompanied the same symptoms like that of women plus testicles inflammation with pain and tenderness. These symptoms might seem simple; however, if you feel that you are at risk due to sexual practices, it would be better to seek help from a STD testing center for tests and examinations.

In determining possible Chlamydia, they just usually take samples for the genitalia like the pus from vagina or penis, as well as urine. These samples are read under microscope to view the existence of the Chlamydia bacteria. Physical examinations are routinely done too like checking the tenderness of the vaginal and penis areas. This examination is also the right time to further test you for other sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea because many patients diagnosed with Chlamydia also has other STDs. For medication, they prescribe antibiotics that are taken on a regular basis. And fortunately, most patients with Chlamydia are cured after a religious intake of drugs.


What will happen if the Chlamydial infection was not treated? Well, the consequence for an uncured Chlamydia is long term. Women may develop a pelvic inflammatory disease, accompanied by constant pelvic pain, which may eventually lead to perihepatitis, a liver disease. And worse, women may become sterile because egg is being blocked to reach the womb from the ovary. Infected women who give birth through the birth canal can pass the Chlamydia disease to the child who then can suffer from Chlamydial eye and respiratory infections. For men, Chlamydia may lead to Reiter syndrome, an inflammatory arthritis, and may also suffer agonizing enlargement of testicles.

To prevent from having Chlamydia or being infected again, there should be a clean sexual practice, or it could be abstinence if possible. First, individuals should be faithful, that is, sexual intercourse should only be done with one partner, and not with two or more. Secondly, use latex condoms on intercourse as much as possible to avoid transfer of diseases. And lastly, you and your partner should at least be responsible and careful enough to make sure that none is infected by Chlamydia or any other sexually transmitted diseases. These simple practices would absolutely make you feel more confident and more protected from acquiring any unwanted sexually transmitted infections.

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